Monday, December 15, 2008

We know. It's been 9 months sans update. We shit the bed.
We will however make a point to be back more often from here on in to keep you in the loop with all things greasy as often as conditions permit. Also, if I can find my physical notes, I'll finally get around to writing up Queen Star and Stem as I intended to last March. On a side-note, we won't be updating quite as often as in the past; seeing as we've found our new religiously regular joint hindering us from making the rounds as often as we once did. On that note, check out the official Church of Chops website, brought to you by the Porch Chops; hosting weekly hymns and an invitation to our weekly club meeting at the raddest Sunday breakfast in town: Bluegrass Brunch at The Dakota Tavern.

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